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Procure confidently with over 40,000 SKUs ready to ship. 95% of orders fulfilled same day.

Providing Solutions Across All Industries

Built on decades of experience serving Fortune 500 enterprises and more, AddOn delivers connectivity that simply works.

AddOn Certified

Leading the industry in quality with a 99.98% success rate

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Environment Testing

AddOn goes above and beyond the standard to recreate the network environment that these parts will be used in. With all major manufacturer switches we can recreate an environment and test each part to guarantee its performance.

Environment Testing

Quality Control

Our Data Traveler System then tracks each serial number and certifies that each part has gone through the proper steps to get ready for shipping.

AddOn Data Traveler

Our proprietary Data Traveler System creates a living manifest that allows us to uniquely serialize, track and ship each and every part.


OEM Spec Testing

Our in-house coding facility programs all of our parts to standard OEM specs as well as creating unique, one-of-a-kind coding for customized networking solutions.

OEM Spec Testing

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